mango chicken curry
Asian Recipes Chicken Dinner in 30 Minutes

Mango Chicken Curry in 30 Minutes

Mango chicken curry in 30 minutes is a delicious combination of ripe mangoes, curry, turmeric, garlic, and other spices. It makes a great midweek meal as it can be made in 30 minutes.

You can always adjust the spices according to your liking. For example, if you want a bit more curry, go ahead and add it. The same applies to the rest of the spices.

You can also add more sauce if you like.

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Mango Chicken Curry in 30 Minutes
Recipe Type: Main
Cuisine: Asian
Author: David Hood
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 4
  • 2 mangoes, cubed
  • 1 1/2 cups of coconut cream
  • 1 small chopped onion
  • 3 cloves of garlic, chopped
  • 2 thumb size ginger, chopped
  • 1 tbsp of mild curry powder
  • 1 tbsp of turmeric
  • oil for frying
  • chicken breasts, cubed
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • cilantro
  1. Add the coconut cream and mangoes to a blend and pulse until well combined. Set it aside.
  2. Put some oil into a pan and add in the onion, garlic, and ginger. Saute until fragrant.
  3. Add the curry powder, turmeric, salt, and pepper. Stir until the spices activate.
  4. Pour some oil into a pan over medium hight heat. Put the chicken breast in and fry until brown.
  5. Put the water, mango, and coconut sauce in, stir, and bring to a boil.
  6. Allow to simmer over medium heat for 15 minutes.
  7. Garnish with cilantro and serve over a bed of rice.
  8. Enjoy your mango chicken curry in 30 minutes.


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